Planned Giving
Contact Us
Melanie Sastria
Phone: 530-753-2894x109
Planned Giving
All are invited to be a part of the Legacy Circle. The Legacy Circle has been formed as an opportunity for the DCC Church family to express gratitude for your love and deep care for future generations through your legacy gift.
The Legacy Circle is a group of people who are committed to financially support the long term ministry and mission of Davis Community Church. Those who sign a letter of intent or give a legacy gift become members. While legacy gifts are often the most significant gift we make, anyone may become a Legacy Circle member - regardless of the amount committed. You are joining generous givers who are excited about passing what we have been given to those who follow us.
Meet the Legacy CirclePlease consider becoming a member through sharing your story and some basic details, if you are willing. Why share? Because your story and the gift details make your gift far more powerful - and effective:
If you would like to become a member of the Legacy Circle - or to learn more - contact us.
Melanie Sastria
Phone: 530-753-2894x109
Thank you for considering this gift!
The gift descriptions are for informational purposes and are not legal or tax advice. To ensure that this gift fits your particular circumstances and planning, please consult with your professional advisers.
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