Planned Giving

Here's one story behind a legacy to NMF.

What will your story be?

The legacy society is a way that we today can thank you for your gift tomorrow and for all of the wonderful opportunities that will be possible because of your gift. Please share news of your gift with us.

Your gift is leadership: As a leader, people watch what you do. Your planned gift teaches others to re-deploy the resources they have to lift up others - during their lifetimes and after.

Your Story Matters: You've made a planned gift. Clearly you "get" this mission. And we need more like you. Would you join us in helping spread the inspiration and joy that brought you to this gift? Your words may be just what it takes to grow this generous and caring community. Please consider sharing with us your "why" on the reverse side of the "Letter of Intent" form.

Next Steps

Contact us to talk more specifically about options and benefits.

Contact Us

Gina Lee Gossett
Phone: 212.483.8880, ext. 307

Thank you for considering this gift!

The gift descriptions are for informational purposes and are not legal or tax advice. To ensure that this gift fits your particular circumstances and planning, please consult with your professional advisers.

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